A fairly complete list of 10xxx codes for LD compa

A fairly complete list of 10xxx codes for LD compa

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This is the most complete 10xxx (pronounced ten triple ex) table I have been
able to get. Not all of these companies offer originating service in all
locations, and many require an account on their system. Some, like
10214- Tyler Telecom of Tyler, TX, is usable only from eastern Texas.
Others that seem local can be gotten into from the strangest of places.

To use these normally from your home phone, you would dial 10xxx, where 'x'
is the three digit code shown, followed by 1, then the area code and
number desired.

To find out if the service is usable in your area, dial 10xxx-1-700-555-4141.
You will then get one of several responses. The most common is "Doo-Daa-Dee
Your call cannot be completed with that access code." or "That long distance
service is un-available in your area". If the carrier is available
from your switch, you then hear something like "You have reached the AT&T
long distance network. Thank you for choosing AT&T. This message will
not be repeated."

If you find a little known carrier that you might like an account on, look
up the name in the phone book. If it is not there, try dialing 10xxx-0, and
wait for an operator to come on. Ask her for the 800 number so that you
can open an account, and ask her what town she is located in.

If you would like to just guess at an account, dial 10xxx-0-NPA-7D, and listen
for the ka-bong. You must then enter some digits. For AT&T, thats 10 digits
of some ones home phone, and then 4 digits of secret code.

If you just use the carrier from your home phone, many times the bill will
come on your local telco bill; others times,the carrier bills you separately.

Please note the tariff provides that these companies are entitled to receive
your name, address and telephone number from your local telco, even if your
service is non-published. Whether they pass that along to whoever you call
depends on how modern their equipment is. A few make good extenders this way.

001 MidAmerican LD (Republic Telecom)
002 AmeriCall LDC
003 RCI Corporation
007 Tel America
011 Metromedia Long Distance
012 Charter Corporation (Tri-J)
013 Access Services
021 Mercury
022 MCI Telecommunications
023 Texnet
024 Petricca Communications Systems
028 Texnet
030 Valu-Line of Wichita Falls
031 Teltec Saving Communications
033 US Sprint
036 Long Distance Savers
039 Electronic Office Centers of America (EO/Tech)
042 First Phone
044 Allnet Communication Services (LDX, Lexitel)
053 American Network (Starnet)
056 American Satellite
057 Long Distance Satellite
060 Valu-Line of West Texas
069 V/COM
070 National Telephone Exchange
080 AMTEL Systems
084 Long Distance Service (LDS)
085 WesTel
088 Satellite Business Systems (MCI)
089 Telephone Systems
090 WesTel
093 Rainbow Communications
095 Southwest Communications
099 AmeriCall
122 RCA Global Communications
137 All America Cables and Radio (ITT)
142 First Phone
146 ARGO Communications
188 Satellite Business Systems
201 PhoneNet
202 ExecuLines
203 Cypress Telecommunications (Cytel)
204 United Telephone Long Distance
206 United Telephone Long Distance
211 RCI
212 Call US
213 Long Distance Telephone Savers
214 Tyler Telecom
215 Star Tel of Abilene
217 Call US
219 Call USA
220 Western Union Telegraph
222 MCI Telecommunications (SBS)
223 Cable & Wireless Communication (TDX)
224 American Communications
227 ATH Communications (Call America)
229 Bay Communications
232 Superior Telecom
233 Delta Communications
234 AC Teleconnect (Alternative Communication)
237 Inter-Comm Telephone
239 Woof Communications (ACT)
241 American Long Lines
242 Choice Information Systems
244 Automated Communications
245 Taconic Long Distance Service
250 Dial-Net
252 Long Distance/USA
253 Litel Telecommunications
255 All-State Communications
256 American Sharecom
260 Advanced Communications Systems
263 Com Systems (Sun Dial Communications)
268 Compute-A-Call
276 CP National (American Network, Starnet)
284 American Telenet
286 Clark Telecommunications
287 ATS Communications
288 AT&T Communications
298 Thriftline
302 Austin Bestline
303 MidAmerican LD (Republic Telecom)
311 SaveNet (American Network, Starnet)
318 Long Distance Savers
321 Southland Systems
322 American Sharecom
324 First Communication
331 Texustel
333 US Sprint
336 Florida Digital Network
338 Midco Communications
339 Communication Cable Laying
343 Communication Cable Laying
345 AC Teleconnect (Alternative Communication)
350 Dial-Net
355 US Link
357 Manitowoc Long Distance Service
362 Electronic Office Centers of America (EO/Tech)
363 Tel-Toll (Econ-O-Dial of Bishop)
369 American Satellite
373 Econo-Line Waco
375 Wertern Union Telegraph
385 The Switchboard
393 Execulines of Florida
400 American Sharecom
404 MidAmerican LD (Republic Telecom)
412 Penn Telecom
428 Inter-Comm Telephone
432 Lightcall
435 Call-USA
436 Indiana Switch
440 Tex-Net
441 Escondido Telephone
442 First Phone
444 Allnet Communication Services (LDX, Lexitel)
455 Telecom Long Distance
456 ARGO Communications
462 American Network Services
464 Houston Network
465 Intelco
466 International Office Networks
469 GMW
472 Hal-Rad Communications
480 Chico Telecom (Call America)
488 United States Transmission Systems (ITT)
505 San Marcos Long Distance
515 Burlington Telephone
529 Southern Oregon Long Distance
532 Long Distance America
533 Long Distance Discount
536 Long Distance Management
550 Valu-Line of Alexandria
551 Pittsburg Communication Systems
552 First Phone
555 TeleSphere Networks
566 Cable & Wireless Communication (TDX)
567 Advanced Marketing Services (Dial Anywhere)
579 Lintel System (Lincoln Telephone LD)
590 Wisconsin Telecommunications Tech
599 Texas Long Distance Conroe
601 Discount Communications Services
606 Biz Tel Long Distance Telephone
622 Metro America Communications
634 Econo-Line Midland
646 Contact America
654 Cincinnati Bell Long Distance
655 Ken-Tel Service
660 Tex-Net
666 Southwest Communications
675 Network Services
680 Midwest Telephone Service
682 Ashland Call America
684 Nacogdoches Telecommunications
687 NTS Communications
700 Tel-America
704 Inter-Exchange Communications
707 Telvue
709 Tel-America
717 Pass Word
726 Procom
727 Conroe-Comtel
735 Marinette-Menominee Lds
737 National Telecommunications
741 ClayDesta
742 Phone America of Carolina
743 Peninsula Long Distance Service
747 Standard Informations Services
755 Sears Communication
757 Pace Long Distance Service
759 Telenet Communication (US Sprint)
760 American Satellite
766 Yavapai Telephone Exchange
771 Telesystems
777 US Sprint
785 Olympia Telecom
786 Shared Use Network Service
787 Star Tel of Abilene
788 ASCI's Telepone Express Network
789 Microtel
792 Southwest Communications
800 Satelco
801 MidAmerican LD (Republic)
827 TCS Network Services
833 Business Telecom
839 Cable & Wireless Communication (TDX)
847 VIP Connections
850 TK Communications
852 Telecommunicatons Systems
859 Valu-Line of Longview
866 Alascom
872 Telecommunications Services
874 Tri-Tel Communications
879 Thriftycall (Lintel Systems)
881 Coastal Telephone
882 Tuck Data Communications
883 TTI Midland-Odessa
884 TTI Midland-Odessa
885 The CommuniGroup
888 Satellite Business Systems (MCI)
895 Texas on Line
897 Leslie Hammond (Phone America)
898 Satellite Business Systems (MCI)
910 Montgomery Telamarketing Communication
915 Tele Tech
933 North American Communications
936 Rainbow Commuinications
937 Access Long Distance
938 Access Long Distance
951 Transamerica Telecommunications
955 United Communications
960 Access Plus
963 Tenex Communications
969 Dial-Net
985 America Calling
986 MCI Telecommunications (SBS)
987 ClayDesta Communications
988 Western Union Telegraph
991 Access Long Distance

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