MSAC Explosive

MSAC (Methanol Salt Aluminium Charcoal ,H602NA3C2)


Sodium Chloride(Table Salt)
Aluminium Powder
A Glass jar

1 Make a very fine powder of the Sodium Chloride,Do this also with the Charcoal.
2 Mix 1 part Charcoal with 6 parts Sodium Chloride.
3 Ad to the Salt/Charcoal mixture 2.5 parts of Aluminium Powder.
4 Put this mixture into the glass jar and pour 1 part of Methanol to it, Stir for 1 minute and let it soak for 1hour.

Blasting Cap(Source:The Navy Seal Improvised Explosives & Incediary's Handbook):

Fill a Co2 Cartridge with Black Powder and put a fuse in it.

To Detonate:

The best way to detonate MSAC is to putt it into a Steel pipe and put the Blastingcap in it.

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