by -=Jaz2G=-
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IGHT!, Im Jaz and dis is my first txt file, I hope this "helps" you out when some bitch gets in your face.
1 CD (a shit one or someone else's)
1bit of foam small pipe tubung (the stuuf plumbers cover pipes with)
1 SHARP knife
Some super glue
1. First off get the CD and cut a rectangle around the hole using the knife. This rectangle must be big enough to fit your four knuckle fingers in (you know how to use a duster).
2. Now cut the foam tibe down the center and cover the inside of the rectangle with it, glue it on. This is to protect your hand from getting fucked up.
3. You can if you want to use the knife to cut some mad spikes at the front of it to make some crazy shit.
4. Get in a fight.
5. Pull out the duster.
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