Electrical Time Delay Detonators
by mach8r/lynxtor
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You will need:
The bomb
A 9V Battery
A 1.5V light bulb (from a mini Maglite or Radioshack)
A metal rod an inch long about 5mm in diameter
(Analogue) cheap watch or Clock
You will need a clock (an analogue one), and if it doesn't have metallic hands then you will need to put a coating of alfoil or electroplate it or something. Next get a 9V battery and connect it to the main shaft which moves the hands with some wire.
Method 1.
Now connect the other terminal of the battery to a small 1.5V light bulb with the glass smashed off the end of it. Use a long piece of wire so as not to damage the clock or battery in the blast. Don't try turning it on yet or you'll be needing to go down to Radio shack again to get another one, and we all know you don't want to go back there. Now connect the free terminal of the light bulb (via a very long piece of wire) to a small metal rod that conducts electricity. If your clock has a metal face you might want to try insulating the rod or else well, you're screwed. Don't insulate the whole rod though; the hand needs to touch metal to complete the circuit (dumb shit).
You don't want to use anything that is a bad conductor or resistors in this thing because you need the full 9 volts. Now drill a hole that will let the rod fit in nice and snug in the clock face depending on how long you want to wait before KA-FUCKING-BOOOOOM!!!!.
If you want a delay of 5 minutes set the hands to the 12 mark (turn it off) and drill the hole on the five mark, then cut off the seconds hand (so it doesn't blow you to hell before you want). If you want the bomb to blow after an hour or more you will need to cut of the minute hand and drill a hole where you want it to go boom. So if you want 6 hours put a hole in the six. Make sure the hand will touch the rod as it goes around. Don't put it out of reach of the hand or you'll be waiting for a long, long, long time. Also, don't let the hand touch the rod until you're outta there or you'll know about it.
Then connect the battery properly, put the light bulb into the bomb, turn on the clock and RUN. You have as long as you need with this baby.
Method 2.
My friend lynxtor suggested this one.
Basically the same as method 1 except instead of connecting the wire from the battery to the clock hand shaft, you connect it to another small rod drilled in carefully so that the passing metal hand will connect the two terminals. It's a good idea with this one to test it on another light bulb to test if it will work or not
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