Due to different scrambling systems, you might fit neccesary to change
the range and values of the variable capacitator.
1 Radio Shack mini project box (#270-235)
1 1/4 watt resistor, 2.2k 2.4k ohm (R #71135)
1 75pf - 100pf variable capacitor (Very hard to find!)
2 F61a chassis type coaxialconectrs RS #278-212)
12" No. 12 solid copper wire
12" RS59 coaxial cable
1> Dar a length of No. 12 gauge solid copper wire and twist around a 3/8"
nail or rod to fom a cil of9 turs. Elongate coil to a length of 1 1/2" and form right angle bends on each end.
> Soler thevariabe capacitor to the coil. It doesn't matter where, it DIAGRAM:
still does the sme job. The bet placefor it is in the center with the
adjustment screw facing upard.
Note: Whe it come time toplace col in box, the coil must be insulated from
grounding. This can be done byglueing apiece of ubber to he bottom of the
box, and securing the coil to it.
3> Solder 2 piecs of coppe wire at pints 2 1/2turns from ends of coil and
solder to coaxial chassis connectors, binging lead through hoes in chasss box. Use as little wire as possible.
4> Solder resistor tocenter of col and groundother end tochassis box,
using solder lug and small screw.
Drill 1/2" diamete hold in miniox cover to prmit adjustment of the
variable capacitor from the outside Inspect for istakes and plce cover
on an tighten securely.
6> Place device in line with exising cable on eiher side of theconverter
box ad connect tv set with the short piece of RS59 coaxia cable. Set tv et
to HBE channe.
7> Using a LASTIC screwdriver, adjust the variable capacitoruntil picture
tuns in. ENJOY!!!!! Themini box
| |
| coil |
| \ |
| / |
| \---cpper wire--[[[[[ F1a connector (cable i)
| 2.2k .25w / |
ground |---------------## (var. apacitor |
| resistor \
| /---copper wire--[[[[ F16a connector (cale out)
| \ |
| |
| coil |
| |
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