by MoSh
First of all there are many ways of getting payphone numbers. In this tut i will try to the best i can to explain how 2.
Handy tools to have:
tone Dialer
A tone Dialer is a little hand held device that generates DTMF tones. These are the little beeps the phone makes when u push a number on a keypad to dail a tone number. U can use a mobile phone to do the same trick.
How to use these tone dialers
Hold the speaker of the tone dialer up to the phones microphone and dial the number on the tone dialer. On most payphones u can't use the tone dialer untill u have pushed one number on the payphone keypad for example u want to dial the 0016000000 number u have to push 0 on the payphone first then u can do the rest from the tone dialer.
The need for a tone dialer.
Well on most X2 phones you can't dial the 0016000000 number so therefore using the rine dialer u can.
Where to get a tone dialer
U can get a tone dialer from any Tandy or Dicksmith or some electronics shop like that. They are about 12 bucks.
Types of payphones
X1 and X2: Are the Smartcard payphones where u put the card or money in them. The newer ones.
Gold: These are well as it says Gold pay phones. They are for business that need a payphone u put the money in it and the business collects the money and Telstra sends out a bill for them.
Blue: These are exsacly the same as gold phones except they are a it newer than the gold ones.
DORO: These are rare but u will come across them. They are white and like the blue and gold phones the business collects the money and pays telstra. You can dial a number and when the person picks up u then have to put money in if u don't it disconnects after 5 secs or so. Green: These are the old BIG Green payphones that just take money.
1. Using 0016000000 Pick up the phone and dial 0016000000 (with help from tone dialer if needed). There will be some dude talk about some overseas crap, (Telstra only does this just to anoy us phreakers I'm sure)at the end a lady will say some words then 3 numbers in the form of 1XX. Now with the XX numbers add one to the numbers, eg 125 will be 36. U have the last to numbers of the payphone number. Now look at the payphone somewhere it will have some serial number in the form of eg 3325 X134. Well the first for numbers are the first four numbers of the payphone number. So now u have first four numbers and the last two, to find out the 5 and 6th. U have to scan for them eg 3325 0036, 3325 0136, 3325 0236 and so on. And 5 mins later u should have it.
Fast is a service that telstra employee's have. They ring 1800 O5O O51 and they put in a employee number and a pin number It gives u lots of options but one is to get the number u are calling from. These are very hard to come by. Unless u know a guy that works for Telstra or u have one some somewhere u cant use this way to get a payphone number. The only way us regular phreakers are goin to get one is to go look through some telstra exchange bins. If ya lucky they may of thrown one away. If anyone has got one I would be much apreciative if u gave one to me =).
Well that's it for now there will probably other ways of getting payphone numbers
If u do know a way give us an email
And i will be updating this tut every so often for any changes
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Yo this dank
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