Pipe Pistol for .22 Caliber Ammunition

Pipe pistol for .22 caliber ammunition long or short cartrige

A .22 Caliber pistol can be made from 1/8 in. nominal diameter extra heavy, steel gas or water pipe and fittings. Lethal range is approximately 33 yards (30 meters).


Steel pipe, extra heavy, 1/8 in. (3 mm) nominal diameter and 6 in. (15 cm) long with threaded ends (nipple)

Solid pipe plug, 1/8 in. (3mm) nominal diameter

Metal strap, appriximately 1/8 in. X 1/4 in. X 5 in.(3 mm x 6 mm X 125 mm or 12-1/2 sm)

Elastic bands

Flat head nail - 6D or 8D ( approximately 1/16 in. (1-1/2 mm) diameter

2 Wood screws, #8

Hard wood, 8 in. X 5 in. X 1 in, (20 cm X 12-1/2 cm X 2-1/2 cm)


Wood or metal rod, 1/8 in. (3 mm) diameter and 8 in. (20 cm) long

Saw or knife

Procedure: **********

1. Carefully inspect pipe and fittings.

a. Make sure that there are No cracks or other flaws in the pipe or fittings. b. Check inside diameter of pipe using a .22 caliber cartridge, long or short, as a gauge. The buller should fit closely into the pipe witthout forcing, but the case SHOULD NOT fit into the pipe.

c. Outside diameter of pipe MUST NOT BE less than 1-1/2 times the bullet diameter.

2. Drill a 15/64 in. (1/2) diameter hole 9/16 in. (1-1/2 cm) deep in pipe for long cartridgd. (If a short cartridge is used, drill hole 3/8 in. (1 cm) deep). When a cartridge is inserted into the pipe, the shoulder of the case should butt against the end of the pipe.

3. Screw the coupling onto the pipe. Cut coupling length to allow pipe to thread in pipe slush against the cartridge case.

4. Drill a hole off center of the pupe plug just large wnough for the nail to fit through.

NOTE: Drilled hole MUST BE OFF CENTER in plug.

5. Push nail through pupe plug until head of nail is flush with square end. Cut nail off at other end 1/16 in. (1-1/2 mm) away from plug. Round off end with file.

6. Bend metal strap to "U" shape and drill holes for wood screws. File two small notches at top.

7. Saw ot otherwise shape 1' (2.54 cm) thick hard wood into stock.

8. Drill a 9/16" diamter (1.43 cm) hole through the stock. The center of the hole should be approximately 1/2" (1.27 cm) from the top.

9. Slide the pipe through this hole and attach front coupling.

NOTE: If 9/16" drill is not available cut a "V" groove in the top of the stock and tape pipe securely in place.

10. Position metal strap on stock so that top will hit the head of the nail. Attach to stock with wood screw on each side.

11. String elastic bands from front coupling to notch on each side of the strap.


1. Locate a barrier such as a stone wall or large tree which you can stand behind in case the pistol ruptures when fired.

2. Mount pistol solidly to a table or other rigid support at least ten feet in front of the barrier.

3. Attach a cord to the firing strap on the pistol.

4. Holding the other end of the cord, go behind the barrier.

5. Pull the cord so that the firing strap is held back.

6. Release the cord to fire the pistol. (If pistol does not fire, shorten the elastic bands or increase their number.)

IMPORTANT- Fire at least five rounds from behind varruer and then re-inspect the pistol before you attempt to hand fire it.


1. To Load

a. Remove plug from rear coupling.

b. Place cartridge into pipe.

c. Replace plug.


a. Pull strap back and hold with thunb until ready.

b. Release strap.


a. Remove plug from rear coupling.

b. Insert 1/4' diameter steel or wooden rod into front of pistol and push shell case out.

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