Step 1: Go to your local hobby store and buy a package of C 8-3 model rocket engines. Also, make sure that there are igniters.
Step 2: Cut the engine open with hobby knife,then peel off cardboard.
Step 3: Take and cut of gray stuff that was the nozzle, then grind this up into a powder any way you want. Just be careful with this step.
Step 4: Get hold of a broom with a hollow metal handle, the thicker the metal the better. Cut the broomhandle to a 16" length, making sure the cuts you made are even, and the edges not folded inward.
Step 5: Get say a metal bottle cap, and drill a hole small enough for the part on the ignitor were the 2 wires join.(or if you don't want to bother, you can use a long fuse)
Step 6:solder, hot glue, weld, super glue(whatever you can, but welding is best)the cap to one end of the broom handle.
Step 7: Nows a good time to find a place to shoot this sucker. also, you might want to fi it to a bi-pod or something.
Step 8: Now were ready to arm this sucker. Gently, stick the ignitor tip into the hole in the bottom of the tube. Now, slowly, poor all the ground rocket engine into the tube.
Step 9: Now keep in mind, this is alot of eplosives, so use safety. get 2 30'+ thin wires with small aligator clips at each end, a switch, anda 12 volt lantern battery. Atach the aligator clips from both wires to the to leads of the ignitor. attach those up with teh battery and switch. now with the alligator clips off the battery, go and stick in anything metal and kinda heavy(not more than 1/2 ounce).
Step 10: With the switch in the off position, connect the wires to the battery after double checking that the igniters still in there. Then Hide behind something and flip the switch. it may take a little while, up to 60 seconds, if it takes longer, disconnect the batery and wait like 5 minutes to see what went wrong. hide behind something the first couple times incase you or I fouled up.
Take a three servo remote and glue the servo battery, unit and all that on an RC car/boat, then glue a servos moving arm thingy to the side of anouther servo. Then mount the first one sideways on like a tail scoop or whatever it's called. Then, once the servos are mounted, glue the gun to the arm of the servo that is now upright and level. Then shorten the barrel to 9". Have the third servo so that it connects 2 wires so that when you move third servo, BOOM! the other two are so that you can aim up down left and right for quickness. also with this it may be a good idea to use a smaller and lighteer projectile and a little less eplosives.
The latter of this file is untested, so use extreme caution. But it is also coming from the mind of an anarchy genious who loves RC cars, so t should work just fine.
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