How to Defeat/Reactivate EAS Tags

by dss sgport anerkyst

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Want to fuck up the EAS tags sucking on products so that they're dead and you can shoplift without setting off the bells and whistles? Or want to reactivate and bug somebody with a dead EAS tag some imbecilic shopkeeper left in your purchases?

To make the magnetiser-demagnetiser ("madem") for manipulating those suckers, coil 100 turns of bell wire onto a plastic pipe not more than 30 cm in diameter (the smaller the better, but the sucking tag must be able to enter).

To reactivate a tag, apply 12 volts AC to the ends of the bell wire, place the sucker in the pipe and draw it out very slowly. To kill off a tag, connect the wire ends to a 12 volts AC source and place the sucker in. Turn the power on and off rapidly about 50 times. Then turn it off and take the sucker out

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