How to Get Free Netzero and Juno Access

A new way to have free Netzero and Juno -- since they use the same software it's easier.

ok this is how it goes but there is a catch you have to do it everytime you log on ok this is how it goes ok when you log on to netzero press Alt+Ctrl+Delete and click on Zcast and press End Task then wait till another window that comes up that says End Task on it and press and End task when you press End Task it closes your internet connection but if you are not slow and quick you press Alt+Ctrl+Delete again after closing Zcast and End Task Chkras and there you go you have free netzero if you get this then something with juno you End Task My Juno and after that you End Task Adbanner its so easy and sorry about my crappy explantion this is the best i could to if you dont get it then i guess you dont have that many brain cells and if you do then good job you got the free internet freeloader.


silentasassin said...

nice i found out that all you need to do is to right click one of the exec.exe and press end process tree, though you only can end the one using the least amount of memory then it will work. By the way any way to scam it when the 10hrs are up? thanks email me

silentasassin said...

nice i found out that all you need to do is to right click one of the exec.exe and press end process tree, though you only can end the one using the least amount of memory then it will work. By the way any way to scam it when the 10hrs are up? thanks email me