You will need.
1 Clothes Peg.
2 Thumb-tacks.
1 knife
battery/power source
1 inch of solder
take the clothes peg (a wooden one is best!) and cut a semi-curcular like nuke at the two thin ends of the peg where you apply pressure to open when using. it should look like a little "U" shape at the very tips of the ends. try and have so when you apply pressure to the ends the same type of cut is in proportion to the other. Now take your two thumb-tacks and rap the copper of the wire around the under neath of the tack head so that the exposed copper hugs the tack nicely. Now insert the tack in to the jaw ends of the peg (the part were it grips the line) so that the two tacks touch eachother when allowed to come into contact.
take your solder and tie a two - three loop knot at the top of the solder, make it nice and tight. Apply pressure to the tails again so that the jaws are fully expanded and the tack heads are at their most incresed distance away from eachother.
place the solder into the pre cut semi-curcular nuckes at the tail end, so the first knot sits tightly on top of the top tail. Now make another knot at the other end of the solider, keeping a rough estimate of the distance between each knot is as to keep the two tack heads from touching at the other end.
You should have a fully open peg with the solder knotted at both ends of the tail avoiding the tack heads at the jaw end from touching. You MUST BE CAREFULL FROM NOW ON IN AND QUICK!!! attach your wire from the tacks to a + & - source of your det / battery / fuse etc etc........ and get to cover.
Slowly, the pressure from the centralised peg coil will expand the solder, thus breaking in the middel, between the two knots, thus allowing the + & - points of the two tacks in the jaw end to meet and ...then........wall-ahh. Your detitnation is complete. You can variy your timing from 1 min to 5 depending on the strenth of the solder, but atleast you can do big jobs on jcb, jeeps, cars, buildings etc. without having to detinate your device locally, your away and all by the time it goes off, or sitting with a pretzel!
Yes... yes, at last what I've been looking for!!! A way to make homemade "detenators"??? Seriously??? DO NOT take your improvised chemistry syntheses from some dude that can't even spell the word!!! For the record... it is spelled D-E-T-O-N-A-T-O-R. I pray no one actually tries this sh*@...
Technically what is provided is not a synthesis... I suppose it would be more aptly titled as a munitions arming procedure? At any rate, whatever you wish to call it, at the end of the day, has been poorly assembled. It makes many assumptions such as the reader has handled explosives, the reader has assembled explosive devices, the reader is skilled in chemical syntheses of primary and high explosive substances and that the reader is well trained in safety protocol concerning the handling, use and application of said substances and devices. If those are all true then have a "blast", heh. Godspeed if not...
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