Low-Grade FlashBangs

Ya know those missle batteries that have those skinny black tubes that shoot in the air and whistle? Well, in most, well in just about all those black tubes that shoot in the air, is about 20 little black rocks. I dont know what they're made of, but god damn they're fun to play with!

Heres what ya do: Take about three hundred(which isn't a lot, considering i got a 100 pack for a buck), of those missles apart, and collect the little rocks in side of them. Then get a hold of a film canister and some gasoline. Make a hole in the top of the film canister, just big enough to fit a fuse in. Fill about 1/3 of the canister with gasoline, and the rest of the canister with the rocks. Put the top on the canister, stick a fuse in the hole in the top, light it, and run your ass off.

This explosion creates a VERY bright flash, and take my word for it, you don't wanna look at it when it goes off, cause it'll hurt your eyes, and you'll probably not be able to see straight for a few seconds. This is really fun to do at night when you see about five cars coming your way from both lanes. The people in the cars might possibly get in a wreck if your timing is right

scam , lock picking , hacking , phone phreak , security , weapons ,
homemade explosives , know learn at http://galillegal.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

Unknown said...

where can i get it from they dont sell it in amazon or near Newport News VA